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Herbs vs. Medications

Writer: Ashley CavasosAshley Cavasos

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. There is a time and a place for herbal remedies, just like there is a time and a place for prescription medications. I am not going to try to tell you that one is better than the other, or worse. Both have their uses and both have their downsides. What I believe is important is making sure that you are talking with your health care provider to ensure that you are getting the best help for what you need.

I've seen so many people who come to me looking for natural solutions to their pain. They don't know what else to do, so they figure that they'll give massage a try. When I ask them if they have talked with their doctor, the answer is almost always the same. Either their doctor has written off their pain as not that bad and they must be exaggerating, or their doctor just wants to throw pills at it and hope that makes the pain go away. Neither of these addresses the root of the problem that these people are looking for. Why are they in pain in the first place? What is causing the pain?

On the flip side of things, I have seen people refuse to see a doctor because they can treat everything at home with an herbal remedy. They believe that there is absolutely no reason to see a doctor because all a doctor will do is prescribe you a pill with more side effects than benefits to get rid of something that you can just treat at home. They view things like antibiotics as poisonous and believe that since these herbs have been around and used by people for thousands of years, they should be good enough to treat everything that we have to deal with today.

Do you see the issues with both sides? Yes, doctors are human and may not always take the time to get to the bottom of an issue when they can just treat the symptoms and move on to the next patient. But these drugs were invented for a reason. And yes, herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses, but that doesn't mean that they can cure everything.

There has to be a balance. Sometimes, you have to take the prescription drug to stay alive long enough that you can change your diet and get healthy enough to get off of it. Sometimes, herbs can help support your body so the drug can better do its job. It does not have to be one is good and the other is evil, one is beneficial and the other useless. There are pros and cons to both.

The most important thing that you can do is do your research and find out as much as you can. Find out if an herb will interact with a medication or if it will help. Talk to your doctor about other ways that you can support your body while on medications or what you need to do to get off of the medications if that is your goal. Everyone now has access to Google. Use it! Research as much as you can and then talk with your health care provider. Maybe they can add something that didn't show up in your research.

Think of your doctor as another resource in staying healthy, not the end-all-be-all authority. Doctors are human and can sometimes get things wrong. It's frustrating but true. Take charge of your health and see what would be the best thing for you. Maybe getting on that medication would be the best option. Maybe changing your diet and adding herbal supplements would be the best thing for you. Only you know what is truly best for your body.


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