When I first had the idea to go to Acupuncture School, I didn't really think too much about how much work it would be. I've always enjoyed learning and done well in school, so why would this be any different? So, I sat down and started researching which schools I could apply to and what the application requirements were. Since I started my search before Covid was a thing, there were very few schools that offered any online courses.
In fact, I could only find one. It was a school in Florida that would allow me to do the first two years of classes remotely. At the time, this seemed like the perfect thing. This school wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but it would allow me to continue to work in Dyersburg while pursuing my education in acupuncture. So, I started looking into what I would need to do to apply.
After talking with the school's advisor, I discovered that since it had been so long since I was last in school, I would need to retake some classes. It turned out that I would need to take about 10 courses in all before I met the application requirements. Ok, no problem. Then I started looking at where I could take those classes. I wrote down all the classes that I needed to take and started talking to an advisor at Dyersburg State Community College. I applied, enrolled, and before long I was taking the classes I needed.
Now, I feel like I need to point out that at this point, it has been about 10 years since I was last in school. And back then, I had no kids, no husband, and no job. I was going to school full-time, Monday- Friday 9:00 am- 5:00 pm or later along with some weekends. I would sometimes go out with my classmates, but for the most part, all I did was study. And I did very well in my classes. So when I started planning what classes I needed to take to apply to acupuncture school, I figured that taking three classes every semester would be easy.
I had it all planned out. I would take three classes for two semesters and two classes for two semesters. Then I would go to acupuncture school and that would be where things got hard. Looking back, I want to laugh at how naive that sounds. Especially since most of the classes that I needed to take were things like Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Biology, Microbiology, and Psychology. Not the easiest classes to take.
I quickly realized that my original plan would not be possible, no matter how much I wanted to believe I could do it. I would come home at night and try to study after putting the kids to bed but would be so tired that I couldn't focus on what I was doing. So I would try to get my class work done over the weekend. But if I tried to study at home, the kids would constantly interrupt me and want my attention. That led to me doing my school work in the office. I stayed late so I could finish assignments and came home exhausted. No matter what I tried, I just could not keep up with that kind of schedule.
So now, I'm trying something different. I'm taking my time with my classes. This semester, I am only taking one class. Next semester, I might take two, but I learned that with how my life has changed, I can't keep the same schedule that I used to. I'm not 20 and single anymore. I don't bounce back from all-nighters the way I used to. And I have different priorities now. I want to be able to tuck my kids into bed at night. I want to spend time with them during the weekends. I want to spend time alone with my husband.
When I started planning how I was going to make acupuncture school work for me, I thought that I would be completely done with everything in five years, max. Now, I'm thinking that it will take a little longer than that. I'm not giving up on going to acupuncture school, but I am changing my approach. I don't have to enroll by the Spring of 2023 like I originally planned. I don't have to take three classes every semester. I can do this at my pace. I know that several of my clients have told me that they cannot wait for me to get my acupuncture license, but the truth is that they can wait.
I am so blessed to have the amazing clients that I do. I am blessed because I know that as much as they want to have the benefits of me being a licensed acupuncturist, they also want me happy. Part of why I am so good at my job is because I love what I do. So I'll take my time with school and teach my children that it is possible to achieve your dreams and still be there for bedtime. I'll show people that you can start a new path in life without driving yourself crazy or giving up everything else. But most importantly, I'll show myself that I can do this. I can achieve all my dreams while still making time for my family, friends, and myself.
It will definitely take me longer this way. A lot longer than five years. But in the end, I will be happy, sane, and content with my life. That sounds worth the extra time.